Category: News

  • Only 1 month to go!

    Gifted Frameworks- Problem Solving,Products and Performance,Questioning,Leadership Can you believe only 1 month till the end of school,this year has flown by! I am looking for summer homes for 2 well behaved frogs and 4 goldfish if your interested please email me ASAP. We are continuing our  STEAM challenge of building a tower to hold a stuffed…

  • Look what we created! Someone new in the pond?

    Gifted Frameworks-Questioning,Leadership,Products and Performance On a personal note,Ms. Harman won’t be back next year,but Mrs. Fox will be. Most of your children know Mr. Fox, he has volunteered in my class numerous times helping out with our STEAM projects , water bottle rockets competition,and helped us design a roller coast for Universal during Teach In.…

  • Smile it’s testing time and time for creating!

    Gifted Frameworks- Products, Questioning, Problem Solving Do you remember  having a Furby? Well one came back from the past (1998) to visit us, problem was it wasn’t working. Leave it to the Furby doctors- Jerry and Kyle who took this project on. Check out what a Furby looks like under that fur. They have had…

  • What can we Create?

    Gifted Frameworks-Leadership,Problem Solving,Products This has been another busy week at the pond. What happens when you give kids legos, building materials,Rube Goldberg kits,dominos,and have them use their imagination to create? This happens:  

  • STEAM/Rube Goldberg


  • Frog Honors/Trappist Solar System

     Gifted Frameworks-Questioning, Research & Exploration, Products &Performance, Problem Solving The Frog pond  had some excitement with a few of our 5th grade frogs getting honors.  Angeline was named Disney Dreamer and Doer Also  7 of our frogs spoke in the Modern Woodmen Speech competition  with the top 3 winners being frogs as well. Congratulations Victor, Sammy, Alexia,…

  • Orlando Science Center Field Trip

    Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Questioning, Problem Solving Wow !! We had an awesome time at the Orlando Science Center this week. We got to look at Space the way an astronaut sees it, learn about our planet, and do experiments . This was exciting experience for everyone, especially the parents. Thank-you again for all…

  • Space Comes Alive

    Gifted Frameworks this week-Questioning, Goals, Products, Research Another busy week in the pond. We are finishing up our Space reports and models on the Solar System. We also are discussing the similarities and differences of the objects you find in space, and comparing them using a matrix. Our models were a big challenge, they couldn’t use…

  • Kindness Breeds Kindness

    Gifted Frameworks-Problem Solving, Questioning, Research, Leadership This past week was Valentine’s Day, and we did a Kindness project- students had to write down 3-5  positive Sparkle words to describe their friends in my class. The hardest part  for them was they couldn’t use the word smart, and they had to be creative in their word choices.…

  • Space Ideas

    Gifted Frameworks- Examination of Knowledge, Questioning, Research&  Exploration, Problem Solving, Leadership, Goals, Products & Performances We have been very busy working on our projects goals-written essays and creating models for our space projects. This year we are working on our writing skills as well as what is proper researching skills using books. Remember using 3×5…