Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hour of Code/Happy Holidays

    Our website is back!! Due to server problems we have been down,but were up and running. Can you believe 2015 is coming to an end already? I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday, and thank-you for all your support that you have given to me this year. We have a lot more interesting learning…

  • Dr.Chew/Coding/Teach In

    Gifted Frameworks- Problem Solving and Leadership Where has this year gone already! Thanksgiving is next week. We have been very busy this week with Teach In. Dr. Chew from MASA visited us, and Mrs. Boxx showed us how to use potenial and kinetic energy together.We are also learning how to create code.  Over the break, please have your…

  • Orlando Eye/Sealife Field Trip

    Gifted Frameworks-Questioning-Questioning in various areas of study Wow, this week was filled with so many activities! Our field trip to Sealife and the Orlando Eye was a huge success due in part to all the wonderful chaperons that we had. You all did an awesome job! A special thanks to Mrs. Boxx who created the student…


    Gifted Framework-Research/Exploration-Information sources Welcome  Thailin to the pond! Our I-pads have arrived along with the rest of our Project Lead the Way materials.Next week, 2nd grade will be working on Forces/Functions, 4th Collisions,and 5th -Robotics using the PLTW kits. 1st and 3rd will be using the kits next quarter. We are also learning about coding…

  • Rockets/Pumpkins Oh My

    Gifted Framework Goals this week- Problem Solving-  ways to solve a problems Service Project- UNICEF- we are collecting money for a well to help children that don’t have access to fresh water. It’s been a another busy week at the pond. We tried to answer the questions- Do pumpkins float?(yes) Do big pumpkins or small…

  • Space Projects

    Gifted Frameworks Goals: Leaderships skills-observe leadership skills in individuals and situations Don’t forget to send in  your permission forms for our exciting Field Trip! Rockets, Space projects, and learning about rocks. We are busy!   Next week, we will be shooting off our rockets and having fun with pumpkins.

  • Space the New Frontier/Rocks the Old Earth

    Our Goals this week:- Gifted Frameworks-                                                   Research and Exploration-  Using informational sources Space,rockets,aliens,constellations, Mars,ISS,rocks,and other galaxies what do they all have in common? Projects that your child are working on. Some…

  • Bridges/Mr. Fox’s Visit

    Well our study of bridges is coming to an end.We have been very busy working on our  Gifted Frameworks in the Research and Exploration and Leadership Skills areas.We also covered the NGSS Science standards for Big Idea 1 -The Practice of Science which include investigations,experiments,and using science tools. Yesterday ,we had a wonderful guest speaker…

  • Bridges Round 1

      Another busy week at the pond! This week we have beeen studying Bridges. Did you know the biggest bridge is located in Japan? It’s the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge.Thanks Connor for the info! The classes are competing against each other to see whose bridge can hold up the most pennies!Each team is getting 2 pieces of…

  • Houses to bridges

    Thank- you for coming out to Open House last night. We had over 50 families visit our room! I hope that you enjoyed checking out our room, and meeting Aussie and our other animal friends. The overall winners of the Big Bad Wolf project was Team Bacon! Check out some of the other design ideas below, and…

Got any book recommendations?