Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Great Debate!

    Gifted Frameworks-Research & Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Questioning, Problem Solving Ocean pollution has been a hot topic this week with the 3,4,5 graders. 3rd Grade worked on their debating skills dealing with the question of the pros and cons of oil drilling. They had a lot of awesome ideas. 4th and 5th grade has been…

  • Countries/Pollution

    Gifted Frameworks-Research & Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Questioning Did you know what the effects of oil drilling in the ocean has on the environment? Ask a 3rd grader.                   How many countries are in the world? Ask a 1st or 2nd grader. Do you know what happens when a straw from your drink goes in the trash?…

  • Global Awareness-Ocean Pollution

     Gifted Frameworks- Questioning, Examination, Research & Exploration Can you believe it’s already 4th quarter! This quarter we will be studying the field of Global Awareness.We have students in the pond from over 20 different countries!  Students in each grade were asked what was the most important problem in the world today- 5th Grade- extinct of…

  • STEAM Presentation Time

    Gifted Frameworks- Leadership, Research & Exploration, Questioning We have finished our study of Oceanography this quarter. Students have learned about the ocean zones, and animals that survive in them. Different types of animals that live in the ocean, and which animal kingdom they belong to. Exciting careers that are part of the marine science field.…

  • Ocean STEAM Careers

    Gifted Frameworks- Examination of Knowledge , Problem Solving, Leadership Another busy week in the pond! We are hard at working researching Ocean STEAM Careers. We have learned to expand our use of Power Point, and include videos in our presentations. Next week, we will be presenting our reports. Friday was a fun Maker Space Day,…

  • Ocean Reports/Guatemala

    Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Leadership, Examination of Knowledge The Guatemala trip was very informative and life changing. I worked at a school in the village of Cayous Castro about 30 miles outside of Rio Dulce. The village is located in the rainforest, and took over an hour on dirt roads  each way to get…

  • Myths and Legends

    Gifted Frameworks- Examination of Knowledge, Research & Exploration, Leadership Congratulations to the Woodmen’s Speech Contest Winners All members of the Frog Pond! 1st Place-Avery 2nd-Savannah 3rd-Eera Congratulations also to Anna and Siena for participating. Thank-you for all the shoes and school supplies to go to Guatemala. I will be leaving on Wednesday the 14th to…

  • Myths and Legends

    Gifted Frameworks- Examination of Knowledge, Research & Exploration, Leadership Congratulations to the Woodmen’s Speech Contest Winners All members of the Frog Pond! 1st Place-Avery 2nd-Savannah 3rd-Eera Congratulations also to Anna and Siena for participating. This week we finished up our reports on water myths and legends. Next week we will start on researching for ocean…

  • Mythical Water Creatures

    Gifted Frameworks- Examination of Knowledge, Research & Exploration, Leadership Did you know we have already been in  school for 100 days? Thanks to 1st grade for the wonderful reminder! This week we explored the world of myths and legends dealing with the ocean. It’s amazing how much our study of Greek and Roman times became background…

  • STEAM Maker Space

        Gifted Frameworks this week- Research & Exploration, Questioning, Leadership We are still collecting items for the  Guatemala school.  We still are in need of pencil sharpers, stickers, small boxes of crayons, erasers, and colored pencils. The last day for the supplies will be Friday ,February 2. This week we started talking about the many…

Got any book recommendations?