Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Gifted Service Project/ Ocean Zones

    Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Leadership Each year my Gifted classes do a service project. This year we are combining it into our Global Awareness study, and my Mission Trip to Guatemala in February. I will be working with the teachers in a small village school with limited resources. I would like…

  • Oceanography

    Gifted Frameworks- Research &  Exploration, Leadership, Questioning Welcome back to the pond! I hope you had a restful and fun break. This quarter our focus will be oceanography. We started off with assessing their ocean knowledge by putting it under our Background Knowledge Umbrella. It was interesting to see what the right and wrong facts were.…

  • Happy Holidays

    Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Leadership, Examination of Knowledge Happy Holidays to all, and have a wonderful break! When we return we will start our unit on oceanography. Check out our Holiday reports and party pictures. A special thanks to Mrs. Boxx and all the parents that came out to help.  

  • Holiday Research Projects

    Gifted Frameworks- Questioning, Products & Performances, Research & Exploration This week we have been busy working and presenting our Holiday reports. Did you know Santa wore a green coat till the 1930’s when Coke changed his coat to red and white to advertise Coke products? That the Hanukkah menorah uses 44 candles during the 8…

  • Let’s Make a Crystal

    Congratulations to our Lego League which won a Judges Award at the tournament last week! Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Problem solving, Products & Performances This week we finished up our metal projects. Did you know asbestos was still used in school in the 1980’s ? How about that you have cooper, iron, calcium in…

  • Minerals/Classify Rock Types

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Questioning, Problem Solving, Research& Exploration Does shale float? What is one of the most dangerous minerals to child that was widely used to a few years ago? This week we explored these questions and many more. Currently we are working on our written mineral projects learning about the many ores and…

  • Rock Maps/Teach In

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Research & Exploration, Questioning, Leadership Do you know where igneous ,sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are found in the United States? Your child does, ask them what type of rocks are primary found in Florida. We also had a special guest for Teach In Mr. Fox from Universal.He had the students create a…

  • Mineral Power Points

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Research & Exploration, Products & Performances, Examination of Knowledge,Leadership This week was full of extraordinary student created power points on minerals. This lesson involved researching the information about different types of minerals, as well as learning or improving their power point skills. Students also created models to go with their power…

  • Erosion Solutions/ Halloween fun

    Gifted Frameworks-Products & Performances, Research & Exploration, Leadership, Questioning What happens went you let students work with sand, dirt, stones, trees plus add in water and you get very wet tied in with lots of exciting learning in erosion and ways to prevent it. To top it all off add in Halloween science experiments and…

  • Visitors from PLTW

    Gifted Frameworks we are working on- Problem Solving ,Examination of Knowledge ,Research & Exploration, Leadership We had an exciting week at the pond this week. We had visitors from the Project Lead The Way Summit Conference that observed our 3rd Grade students working with their PLTW- The Changing Earth Module. We were the only Elementary school picked…

Got any book recommendations?