Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • SECME/Beyond the Space Frontier

    Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Leadership, Examination of Knowledge We had a wonderful time launching our rockets at the SECME competition with 30  students! Thank-you to all the parents who came out to support us. We have 3 teams moving on to the SECME regionals at UCF on Saturday, February 11. Come out and check…

  • Happy Holidays

    Gifted Frameworks-Leadership,Goals,Products & Performances It’s been a busy crazy week at the pond. We shot off more our rockets that we have been working on.We had success, and a few failures,but we learned what we need to do to make the rockets go even go higher. We also had an awesome Holiday party thanks to…

  • Our rockets go skyward!

    Gifted Frameworks-Products & Performances,Problem Solving, and Leadership Whoosh!! We launched our water rockets yesterday,and learned some valuable lessons in the process. I learned that launching 50 rockets takes a lot of time and work,and I really needed to wear a rain jacket since I spent most of the day soaking wet! The students learned numerous…

  • Growth Mindset/ STEAM/Water Rockets

    Gifted Frameworks- Problem Solving,Leadership,Products& Performances Do you have a Fixed or a Growth mindset? Do you say I can’t do this or let’s try something different when you run into a problem? Ask your child about what it means.We have started working on our water rockets for the SCME competition. It’s been interesting to watch…

  • Teach In

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Questioning,Problem Solving,and Research & Exploration This has been a crazy week at the pond. We finished up our paper towel rocks, and we were lucky enough to have Mr. Fox  from Universal come spend the day with us for Teach In. We learned about what a design engineer does, and had…

  • Rockets

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Questioning,Research & Exploration,Examination of Knowledge, and Leadership. We are working on making prototype rockets from toilet and paper towel tubes. How high can you make it go!   4th Grade checking how to break apart a frozen hand.Two teams when at it totally differently.  

  • Rockets/Mystery Science

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Questioning,Research & Exploration,Examination of Knowledge. We are continuing our study of Rockets and Space for the next few weeks. This week students were working on the question- Hypothesize about the future of the Space program, where do you think we will be in the year 2020 and beyond? Justify your answer…

  • Space Race and Rockets

    Gifted Frameworks- Research &  Exploration, Questioning ,Examination of Knowledge Last week we started learning about the space race between the USSR and the USA. Since I lived through that time in history it was interesting for me to look back on that era and what a difference it has made in our lives today. We started by…

  • The End of Dinosaurs!

    Gifted Frameworks this week-Problem Solving,Questioning,and Products & Performances This week the pond was knee deep in theories! We presented our stories about how the dinosaurs became extinct. Next week, we will start October’s study of space, and the history of rockets.We are in need of toilet and paper towel rolls for our projects. Please send in…

  • Flintstones vs The Jetsons

    Gifted Frameworks- Questioning,Products & Performances,Research and Exploration, and Problem Solving Do you remember the old cartoon shows the Flintstones and The Jetsons ? This week we researched and explored the similarities and differences between them. How the technology changed over the years. The Jetsons in the 1962 were way ahead of their time. They had…

Got any book recommendations?