Macbeth Act III Quotations

DIRECTIONS: For each quotation, list the speaker, the person being spoken to, and the meaning of the line in the context of the scene.

If you were absent on Wednesday, February 19, complete either the odd or even number quotations.

Thou hast it now: King, Cawdor, Glamis, all,
…and I fear Thou play’dst most foully for’t.

There is none but he
Whose being I do fear: and under him
My genius is rebuked, as it is said
Mark Antony’s was by Caesar.

I am one, my liege,
Whom the vile blows and buffets of the world
Hath so incensed that I am reckless what
I do to spite the world.

’Tis safer to be that which we destroy
Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.

O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!
Thou mayst revenge .

Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake
Thy gory locks at me.

Shame itself!
Why do you make such faces?
When all’s done, You look but on a stool.

It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood.

He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear
His hopes ’bove wisdom, grace, and fear:

Thither Macduff Is gone to pray the holy king, upon his aid…
And this report
Hath so exasperate the king that he
Prepares for some attempt of war.

Théodore Chassériau, “The Ghost of Banquo,” 1855

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