Mr. Thomas' Class

Frequently Used Websites

Google Classroom

Much of our work is completed on Google Classroom.

IXL is a site we will use all year for math skill practice.

LaunchPad(Skyward, Think Central, i-Ready)

Go through this portal to get to Skyward, the site where you can see student grades; ThinkCentral, the site to view the Reading, Math, and Science books online; and i-Ready, a website that offers personalized online instruction in Reading and Math.

AR BookFinder

Use this site to find AR books and their levels and point values.

Reading Rewards

Students should be recording the minutes they read on this site.

Prodigy Math

A great adaptive math game that students love.

FSA Portal

This website has good information about the FSA along with practice tests.

This is a site we are using for writing and grammar skills.

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