Samples of Our Work

Here are a few projects and activities from this year – just a small sampling to give you a taste of  the things we’ve been up to! 


Invasive Species:  Aliens Among Us!
Studying alien species gave us a great chance to practice note taking, data collection, information management, and predicting!

invasive species tasks

Independence: US & Scotland
We dug deeply into the concept of independence by first reviewing what we know about the US independence story and then by learning about another country’s journey toward independence – Scotland!

September 11th:  A Special Day in America
To remember this special day we visited the September 11th Memorial website and talked about the information we found there.

The Worst CD Ever Made
Practicing our team roles became a fun activity today when we had to work as a team to create a CD cover for the worst CD ever made!  Breaking glass?  Screaming babies?  You got it!

worst cd

Sincere Selfie Project
Wanting to combine a few goals, we tackled a mini-project that helps us develop Production Skills as well as Technology Skills and even includes a little Service Learning!  After gathering information about the history of selfies, we set out on campus to take selfies with our class cameras.  Our selfies had to either deliver the message that LSE is a great place to be or had to show us following a school rule.  Next we worked in the computer lab to create a mini-poster out of our selfie pictures!

selfie poster



Renaming Dinosaurs: A Class Project for Second Graders

Miss Kelly’s second graders have been studying dinosaurs!  During our study we became very curious about dinosaur names.  After reading more about how dinosaurs are named, we thought that we would like to try it out.  Once we finished, we wanted to find out what some real scientists would think of our work. 

Download (PDF, 1.12MB)


Attribute Listing Using Our Senses
Because we want to be able to do a great job describing the things that we think, imagine, dream, want, need, have, (get the idea?), it’s important that we are able to identify attributes of people, places, things, ideas, etc.

Space Hotel
We learned how to use a Morphological Matrix to help us generate ideas!

All About Me
There is more to living than just food and drink!  We shared information about ourselves by thinking of our “other nutrients”!

Team Roles & Leadership Logs
We have team roles that we use when we work in teams.  We’ll practice using them all year long!   We’l use our Leadership Logs to help us keep track of our progress!



My Un-Summer Photo Album
Anyone can create a photo album of the things they DID do this summer, but it take some real thinking to make a photo album of the things you DIDN’T do this summer!

Why Am I in This Class?
It’s important to talk about why we come to a special class.  We know that the way that our brain likes to learn matches the way that Miss Kelly likes to teach – what a great match!

why am i in this clas