Who is Miss Kelly?

Deirdre Kelly, M.Ed., NBCT (’08-’18)
Gifted Resource Teacher

Contact Information:
Lake Sybelia Elementary School
600 Sandspur Road
Maitland, FL    32751
Phone:  407-623-1445
Wmail:  deirdre.kelly@ocps.net

Education and Background:

Deirdre Kelly has been teaching in OCPS since 1989.  She has taught in regular education classrooms (5th grade), in full-time Gifted classrooms (AAIM), and in Gifted Resource classrooms throughout the county.  She also served the county as a teacher-trainer in the, then-new, Internet Services department at the ELC, training teachers in using the Internet as a tool for teaching and learning.

Gifted Education is Miss Kelly’s passion.  She serves as one of the veteran Gifted Ed teachers – providing assistance and content support for new Gifted teachers.  She teaches one of the Gifted Certification courses – Theory and Development of Creativity – for teachers who are seeking Gifted certification.  Creativity is a particular area of interest!

A National Board Certified teacher (2008-2018), Miss Kelly has an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from National-Louis University and a B.S. in Elementary Education from the University of South Florida where she graduated from the SCATT Teacher Honors program.  Preferring to start with a small college experience, Miss Kelly earned her A.A. degree from St. Leo College.

Miss Kelly is the proud mom of a daughter. Her daughter majored in Journalism and minored in Acting at George Washington University, Washington, DC.  After working and acting in DC, the younger Miss Kelly moved home to Florida to be near family.

Teaching and serving others seems to run in Miss Kelly’s family.  Her two sisters are teachers (one at Blankner Elementary and one in New York).  Her father retired from the military after 20+ years of service in the Marine Corps and became a high school teacher.  After earning her doctorate in Geriatric Nursing, Miss Kelly’s mom became, among many other roles, a college professor at Florida Southern College.  Even Miss Kelly’s brother, a firefighter in Orlando gets into the family business!  He teaches at Seminole State!  He even married a teacher, our amazing sister-in-law!

With over thirty years of teaching experience, Miss Kelly is nowhere-near done!  She’s excited to come to work every morning and has more to learn and to accomplish!


Favorites:   We all have favorites, here are a few of Miss Kelly’s!

Favorite Book:        Andrew Henry’s Meadow
Favorite Food:        Granny Smith Apples
Favorite Singer:     Frank Sinatra
Favorite Flower:     Daisy
Fav. Star Trek:        Next Generation
Favorite App:          Twitter
Favorite Channel:  History
Favorite Animal:   Platypus
Favorite Game:      Chess
Favorite Color:      Lime Green
Favorite Drink:     Pink Lemonade

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