Emeralds Do’s and Don’ts: Surviving AP Exams
|Edgewater Eagles- we are officially in the testing season. I’m sure by now the stress has kicked in.
If you’re taking AP Exams you may be feeling that stress multiplied by a thousand.
Don’t let the exams get one over you, follow these easy do’s and don’ts from an actual AP Exam survivor.
Note: None of these tips are exclusive to AP exams; use them for CFE’s, EOC’s or any test really.
Do get plenty of rest leading up to the exams. Pulling all-nighters won’t result in anything more headaches and fatigue.
Instead of trying to review all those notes and study guides until your eyes become weary study when you’re at your peak, mentally, during the day.
Studies suggest eight to twelve hours of sleep is ideal for increasing mental and physical performance. So don’t hit the books hit the hay especially the night before your exam.
Don’t use the exams an excuse to start eating unhealthy. I won’t deny that when prepping for the AP exams my first time around the majority of the food that entered my body was processed, greasy and wrapped in paper but that is not the way.
Fast foods make you feel sluggish and you’re going to need all the energy you can get on those exams. My advice; eat healthily.
Trail mix, carrots, and yogurt are just a few of many inexpensive healthy snacks that will keep you from reaching for a bag of chips or candy bar.
In terms of dinner the night before, if possible try and get something from every level on the food pyramid on your plate.
Do make a study plan. This is war, don’t go into it unprepared. Ask your teachers what you should spend time looking over so you aren’t taking time reviewing content that makes up five percent of the test.
Studying is a monumental task during the regular school year and during the testing season, it’s even worse. Having a study plan will keep your focus and from getting off track.
Don’t study with electronics present. It’s easy to be tempted by the call of your phone.
Keep the technology away especially if you know that one quick check of a text message or Snapchat story can lead to hours of timeline surfing and video watching.
If you need to have your phone or tablet around you keep them on ‘do not disturb’. You’ll have all the time in the world to surf the web when the exams are over.
Do pack your bag the night before exams. A billion and four things could go wrong the morning of the test. Have your essentials stored away by the door the night before to have one less thing to worry about.
Charge your calculator’s battery, sharpen your pencils and pack your snacks ahead of time as not to be rushing the day of.
Don’t freak out. You got this. I won’t lie and say it’s just another test because it’s not, but don’t let that fact stress you out. On the day of the test just breathe through the hard parts and remember you know a lot more than you think.