Edgewater High School Newspaper Established 1952

Chorus Concert

The auditorium was full with hundreds of people. Alexander Glover, the director, said that it went well.

Gabe Rodriguez said that it was a great performance by all the chorus kids and this one was better than the last one they did.

This chorus concert was a dedication to the chorus teacher that died. Her name was Dr. Lori Lovell. She played a big part in the Edgewater chorus.

Mr. Glover talked about how the chorus department is raising money to go to St. Louis, Missouri in Feb. They will be able to go sing songs at famous spots.

You can support them by going to Chipotle for Spirit Night on Oct. 17 in Winter Park

The final song was the dedication to past members. All alumni from Edgewater Chorus was invited to join them on stage to sing.