Love Simon Captures Heart of America
“Love, Simon” was one of the most highly anticipated movies of 2018 so far. The movie follows Simon Spear (Nick Robinson) as he navigates through his final year of high school. Seemingly everything about Simon is cookie cutter- his family, friends, beat up the first car. But Simon has a secret. He’s gay and nobody knows. He lives his life afraid of what the world will think of him if they ever discover his secret. But when a mysterious pen pal comes into play Simon explores life in a new way all in an attempt to find love and his true self.
This movie was beautiful from the beginning to end. It was incredibly funny and heartwarming. It was nice to see the LGBT community depicted on film as the main character as opposed to the worn out “gay best friend” trope. The realistic storyline was touching and as an audience member, you could imagine yourself in Simon’s shoes.
I fell in love Simon. He was so adorable. I found the character to be witty and charming. He was realistically flawed and I appreciated the fact that he wasn’t some perfect boy next door because the mistakes he made gave him a relatable personality.
Oh and if the movie wasn’t funny enough, the vice principal in the school is a dead ringer of our Principal Shanoff.
But seriously if you want to see a touching, comedic coming of age story that is full of heart you should go see “Love, Simon”.
Rating: 5/5 Emeralds