Edgewater v.s East Ridge Flag Football
|By:Intefada Lutfi
On April, 2 the Lady Eagles put up a good fight when going against the East Ridge Raptors in flag football.
The team had lost 7-6 but the players still showed good sportsmanship for the East Ridge team.
Quarterback and safety Lily Corso, senior, said “I think the game against East Ridge went a lot better than last week against Wekiva. But I feel like it could have gone a lot better if we work on our communication and if it had been better then we could have all been on the same page.”
Sylajae Whiskey-Edwards said “The game went well. We tried our best and so did the other team.”
Edwards continued “But I think for the next game to win we need to do more play and get as many people involved as possible.”
Another player named Jada Davidson junior who plays wide receiver on the field said “I think we did very good. We worked well together. Although we were doing well we were forgetting the little thing like catching and defense.”
Davidson continued with “For our next game I feel like it would help if we more focused.”
Nakida Martin who also plays wide receiver said “I think the went well but we could have done better. For the next game, we need to work on defense, plays, and catches.”