Net Neutrality: Why It Should Matter to You

by Heysha Garcia Melendez; edited by Meleena Mohammed

Net Neutrality: “Also called open Internet, says that Internet service providers should give people access to all legal content and applications on an equal basis, without favoring some sources or blocking others.” Basically it is saying that your internet providers can’t charge you more to go on websites like Youtube, Netflix, or Hulu Plus.

A man named Ajit Pai, Trump’s FCC chairman, wants to take this away from us. This would let greedy companies to charge us more for specific websites. 

As you can see in the picture, you have to buy extra packages for different websites.

On December 14th, 2017, The FCC has voted yes for the repeal, but this isn’t the end. We can go to Congress and pass a “Resolution of Disapproval”. A “Resolution of Disapproval” is when Congress disapproves some rules issued by federal agencies by using a joint resolution of disapproval. So for this to be implemented, we need the President to sign it or two thirds of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Now realistically one is more likely than the other, so reach out to your representatives in Congress.


Don’t let this be like the election, you have a voice, so use it and speak up. Talk to your Congress officials, sign petitions, and send letters to your Congressmen. It’s not fair to have your voice taken away, so do something about it! Doing nothing when something or someone is being oppressed is just as bad as being the oppressor.

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