Christmas Advent Calendar

by Madison Spaulding

An advent calendar is a countdown to Christmas either eating getting or doing different things. Below is a list of advent calendar ideas my mom and I like to participate in each year! If you missed a couple days don’t be afraid to substitute ideas you can’t do for ones you missed. You can always double up your activities if you missed days!


Day 1 – Make hot chocolate

Here is a simple recipe for hot chocolate.
1. Combine the cocoa, sugar, water, and salt in a medium saucepan.
2 .Over medium heat, stir constantly until the mixture boils. Cook, stirring constantly for
1 minute.
3. Stir in the milk and heat, but do not boil.
4. Remove from the heat and add vanilla; stir well. Serve immediately.
A little tip : add a candy cane to make peppermint hot chocolate


Day 2– make a paper snowflake

Step 1: Start With a Square.
Step 2: Fold in Half Diagonally.
Step 3: Fold in Half Again.
Step 4: Fold One Third.
Step 5: Fold Again.
Step 6: Cut the “top” Off at an Angle.
Step 7: Shape It!


Day 3– Make a donation!
Christmas is the season for giving so for this activity you could go anyplace to make a donation of how ever much you would like!

Day 4 – Send a small Christmas care package to someone who won’t get anything this season
Buy some items from the dollar store to put in a box for someone in the military a place you can get a box from can be from .
You can also go to Publix and pick a name off a tree and it will give you a kid that will not be getting a lot for Christmas.
Day 5– Listen to Christmas music
Some good christmas songs can be found at:
Day 6 – Go to CVS or dollar store and buy something stupid/ funny for under $10
This is a tradition my mom and I usually do! We go to CVS but you can use any store you like which may make the amount you spend change but try not to spend over $10.

Day 7– Decorate your bedroom door for Christmas.
A great place to go for decorations is target! In the front of the store they have a couple bins with things ranging from 1-3. The have some of the cutest decorations i’ve ever seen
Day 8 – Make a green and red dinner
For this one you should only make foods that have red and green ingredients
For example: You could have watermelon or you could make rice Krispie treats and put food dye in them.

Day 9 – see snow
I know what you’re thinking, are you crazy we live in Florida! But you can always make fake snow! Celebration has certain times where they let “snow” fall. You can also cut up paper and throw it, it still counts I promise!

Day 10 -Sleep on the floor under the Christmas tree one night

Take a blow up mattress then place it by the tree and sleep with the twinkling lights on. An alternative is lay a bunch of blankets and pillows on the floor if you don’t have a blow up mattress

Day 11 – Have a Christmas movie marathon
Play all christmas movies all night long!! Some movies you can watch are:
– National lampoon’s Christmas vacation
– The Santa clause
– Elf
– Christmas story
– The holiday

Day 12 -Make Christmas pancakes
Reindeer pancakes
What you need:
– Bacon
– Pancake mix
– Chocolate chips
– Whip cream
– Strawberry

For this you can make a big circle out of pancake batter for the head then make a small one for the nose and two small oval ones for the years, Next make some bacon for the antlers. Take a strawberry and cut the leaves off. Then assemble the reindeer! Take the big circle and place it on the bottom of the plate then put the small pancake on the big one , following that put the strawberry on top of the small pancake. Now put two dots of whip cream in the center for the eyes placing a chocolate chip on each . now place the oval pancakes at top for the ears. Lastly add the bacon on top for the antlers. Enjoy!!


Day 13 – Go ice skating
Some places you can go to:
Winter Park Ice Skating
Celebration ice skating

Day 14– Take a Christmas family photos
Have a fun time and use different props!
Day 15 – Celebrate with your friends and have a secret Santa party

Pick a name from a hat of one of your friends and have your other friends do the same! Then go and pick out different gifts for the friend you got! To make it even better have a Christmas party where you will exchange the gifts.


Day 16 – have an ornament making contest with someone
Get a friend or family member and both make different ornaments to compete against each other.


Day 17 –Make Christmas cookies!
A good website for basic cookie recipes are:


Day 18 – Go see Christmas lights

For this one just hop in your car and drive around your neighborhood to see the beautiful lights.
Day 19 – Wear an ugly Christmas sweater
You can either buy one or make one!


Day 20 – Have a gingerbread or just decorate a gingerbread house
You can make the Gingerbread or you can buy it predone

Gingerbread recipe


Day 21 – Make a before Christmas box
This is a book you make to open the night before Christmas it usually includes hot coco mix, pjs, movies, slippers, etc.


Day 22 – Go to a Christmas show
Some christmas shows you could go to are The Nutcracker, Zoo Lights, a Christmas toy train exhibit, etc. If you aren’t able to go to a theater you could watch it online on websites like Youtube and Netflix.

Some websites that may help are:


Day 23 – String popcorn

How to string popcorn:
1. Get a bowl with cranberries and popcorn
2. Tie a knot in the string that is attached to a kneedle
3. Carefully poke the kernel through the center so it doesn’t break ( best if you let the popcorn sit out for a couple of days and that there is no salt or butter on the popcorn).
4. Add cranberries every so often
5. Continue process till you reach the end of the thread then tie a knot.
6. String where you desire


Day 24– read the night before Christmas and/or open a gift early

You can read the night before christmas at:
Day 25 – Enjoy the holiday with your family
Enjoy the holiday with people you love and MERRY CHRISTMAS!



