Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Three Day Challenge

    The Three Day Challenge

    by Jocelyn Ponce Almost everyone can’t live without their phone; most of the time our eyes are glued to the tiny screens, and I know I’m guilty of that. I remember sitting at a table, phone in hand, eyes glued to the screen. My mom walked over saying she bet I couldn’t go a day…

  • Catalonia Splits from Spain

    Catalonia Splits from Spain

    by Taylor Brown Early in the month, Catalonia held a referendum to determine whether the region would declare independence.The Spanish government’s attempts to stop any referendum resulted in hundreds being injured during police raids and protests. What is Catalonia? Catalonia is a region is Spain with its own linguistic and cultural identity. The region possesses…

  • Catastrophe in California as Flames Spread

    Catastrophe in California as Flames Spread

    by Jose Roca 10/12/2017 Northern California is going through a very hard situation since flames are being spread throughout the whole state as winds keep getting stronger and stronger and flames getting bigger and bigger, the cause of this whole wildfire is unclear, since the fires keep starting late at night at about the same…

  • North Korea Added to Travel Ban

    North Korea Added to Travel Ban

    by Jose Roca The Trump Administration has decided to announce on Sunday, September 24th,2017, that 3 new countries have been added to the list of travel bans. One of the countries being North Korea, as a result of the tension that has been between the U.S.  and North Korea. Although North Korea has such a minimum…

  • Puerto Rico Struggles After Hurricanes

    Puerto Rico Struggles After Hurricanes

    by Arianna Rundberg On August 30th 2017, a day that everybody on the south was anticipating for, turned into the most devastating natural disaster that has occurred on the island of Puerto Rico, or as NPR’S Mary Lousie Kelly speaks to Associated Press reporter Danica Coto about the impact of hurricane Irma being the “strongest-ever…

  • The Influence of Music on Youth

    The Influence of Music on Youth

    by Bruna Araujo Music is always with us. It comes in all varieties and forms, influencing people of all ages and cultures. Teenagers, specifically, listen to an average of 2.5 hours of music a day, and it impacts our lives in many different ways, whether we realize it or not. Music impacts our emotions, our perspective…

  • Reconnect


    Junior Alexis Montero Soto submitted this song: “I’m an electronic music producer who works in different genres, this song is only a little part of what I do, I can go from something calm to something really heavy. I would like to share my work with the world.” See Alexis’ full Soundcloud profile here. by Alexis…

  • Why Millions Of Teens Are Up All Hours Of The Night!

    Why Millions Of Teens Are Up All Hours Of The Night!

    What were your first thoughts upon reading that title? Curiosity? Shock? Intrigue? Maybe all of the above? But why would a title make these feelings occur and even more so why would this make you want to read this article? Clickbait– the number one reason for procrastination and time wasting. Clickbait in exact terms is…

  • November Poetry Submissions

    November Poetry Submissions

    Has He Seen You Naked? by Zé Menoscal-Goitia, grade 9 Has he seen you naked? You know who I’m talking about. He’s the love of your life. He’s your stars and moon. He’s the air you breathe in and out. All you think about is him. The answer to that question is… He probably has. He’s probably…

  • Teacher Spotlight: Matthew Panzano

    Teacher Spotlight: Matthew Panzano

    by Meleena Mohammed This is the Teacher Spotlight and we are shining it on one of Freedom’s AP Human Geography teachers– Mr. Panzano! He is one of my favorite teachers and having had him as a teacher, I can personally vouch for how amazing he is. He is loved by his students, respected by his…

Got any book recommendations?