Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The violence that occurred at Charlottesville were acts of terrorism

    The violence that occurred at Charlottesville were acts of terrorism

    by Adassa Coimin On Saturday, August 12, a woman was murdered and 19 people were injured when a car plowed into a group of peaceful protesters as they were leaving the Unite the Right rally. Among this group of counter protesters, were people who condemned hatred and bigotry, including Black Lives Matters supporters and those…

  • Book Review: The Lightning Thief

    Book Review: The Lightning Thief

    by Thiago Rego “The Lighting Thief”, a best seller of The New York Times is the first book of many in the series “Percy Jackson and The Olympians”, written by Rick Riordan. The story talks about a 12-year-old boy named Percy Jackson, with an attention deficiency disorder. After being expelled again from yet another school, Percy…

  • Sports Spotlight: Cheerleading

    Sports Spotlight: Cheerleading

    by M. Scales, S. Fox, and I. Fishbough We interviewed multiple cheerleaders here at Freedom High School to see what it is really like to be one of them. Grace McColgin is a Freshman cheerleader and she says her favorite thing about being a cheerleader is that, “It’s not just a team, it’s like a…

  • The End of DACA

    The End of DACA

    by Marissa Scales and Adriana Nouel DACA, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, was created through an executive order in 2012. It’s a program that allows hundreds of thousands of young people that were brought illegally to the US as children to stay in the country under some requirements. Some requirements include no serious criminal…

  • “Perfect Creation of God” by Misael Paz Torrez

    “Perfect Creation of God” by Misael Paz Torrez

    This Patriot submitted a romantic poem in both English and Spanish. “Perfecta creación de Dios.” -Misael Paz Torres.   Tu, que eres perfecta creación de Dios, Corriente de rio que por mis venas corre.   Tú, luz de sol inapagable, Paseandose por los bosques oscuros de mi corazón Y así llenarlo de su precioso amor.…

  • Tough Times Call for Kindness

    Tough Times Call for Kindness

    by Jocelyn Ponce It seems, when you turn on the news these days all you hear is bad news. Violence is everywhere and terrorism is on the news more now than ever.  All around the world and here in the United States, it affects everyone, and sadly the amount seems to grow. It is a…

  • Tablets: Superior to Textbooks

    Tablets: Superior to Textbooks

    by Maureen Ngigi When it comes to education there are many different ways to access things necessary to learn. Both textbooks and tablets are essential and useful in school. There are pros and cons to both methods, but it all depends on the student’s preference.      Tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks on one…

  • Children Starving in Yemen

    by Sashaly Bernard What is happening in Yemen? In Yemen, there is a war between the Saudis and the Houthis that has been going on for the past 2 years. This Civil war has caused the destruction of the agriculture, infrastructure, health care and the social unity of the country. “On average, a child under…

  • Political Highlights: August

    Political Highlights: August

    by Alejandra Colon and Giselle Gutierrez This regular column will feature political highlights from each month- events that are sure to shape opinions and policy through the upcoming months. President Trump’s response to Charlottesville Attack On  August 12, in Charlottesville, Virginia, a rally of white supremacists and neo-nazis was held. A group of protesters that were…

  • International Patriot Interviews

    International Patriot Interviews

    by Thiago Rego. Photos by Jose Roca Freedom High School is one of seventeen public High Schools in Orange County. It was classified as an  “A” school in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The school has been open since 2003 and was originally to be named after a deceased Marine, but after the September…

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