Tag: trump

  • Trump and North Korea

    Trump and North Korea

    by Minh Nguyen In later May, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will have a meeting discussing the nuclear issue of North Korea. On the other hand, U.S was strongly suggesting that North Korea should stop nuclear testing and that is a tough request for a nuclear nation like North Korea. We…

  • Trump’s New Infrastructure Plan

    Trump’s New Infrastructure Plan

    by Michael Gamboa President Trump unveiled his new infrastructure plan on February 12th. Trump plans to create 1.5 trillion dollars to help repair and upgrade American infrastructure.  The federal government is giving Trump $200 billion of the 1.5 trillion; the rest will come from state and local government. The states have been responsible for funding…

  • Fire and Fury: More White House Drama

    Fire and Fury: More White House Drama

    by Taylor Brown What  Fire & Fury Tells Us About Trump’s White House 2018 was kicked off with a new wave of White House drama as Michael Wolff dropped his latest piece, Fire & Fury, a scathing expose on the turmoil that plagues Trump’s White House. As White House staffers scrambled to manage the aftermath…