Growth Mindset and Mindfulness

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a shift in the way we view intelligence, learning, and achievement. Throughout the year, we will learn positive self-talk phrases to help us tackle challenges and grow as learners. Shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset allows students to be more fearless in the classroom (or any learning situation), and reach their full potential. We have a section in our classroom devoted to growth mindset phrases, and we frequently reflect on our learning using brain-based terminology, such as schema, dendrites, metacognition, and grit. We also begin each day with a growth mindset affirmation: “Today I will…have a positive learning attitude, be an active learner and grow my brain, be a mindful problem solver, and take risks and tackle challenges!”

If you are looking for ways to promote the growth mindset concept with your child, then you can check out the resources below. This website contains 10 lessons designed just for parents, including videos, articles, and activities. 

Growth Mindset Thoughts PDF These are the Growth Mindset phrases we have posted in our classroom. 

Reflecting on Learning Resources DP These are the brain-based terms we use to reflect on our learning.


We do frequent “brain breaks” in the classroom to help us transition and refresh between activities. Some of these are energizing (guided dancing, silly songs, etc.) and others are calming (yoga, cross-body exercises, etc.). Mindfulness activities fall under the “calming” category. Mindfulness is fully attending to what you are doing. It involves clearing your head of all distractions, calming your mind, and refocusing your attention. Research has shown that participating in mindfulness activities reduces conflict, stress, and behavior issues in the classroom. It also enhances performance and teaches students to be aware of their feelings and the feelings of others. We engage in a “Mindfulness Monday” activity each week during Morning Meeting, including guided meditation stories, yoga, tapping, and more.