Homework Log and Fridge Notes April 3rd + April Calendar

Keep using iReady at home! Just 20 minutes or reading and 20 minutes of math per week will make such a difference! 

  1. Using Google Chrome, navigate to https://launchpad.classlink.com/ocps.
  1. Enter your username and password, and click “Sign In.”
  1. Click on the “iReady” icon. If necessary, retype the user name and password used above.
  1. Click on the “Reading” or “Math” icons and begin the lesson!


Homework Log April 3 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Vowel Pairs oo, ue, ui, ew (F)

Fridge Notes April 3 PDF

Last week I will introduce two more of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids.

Habit #4: Think Win-Win: This habit focuses on the idea of “I win, you win, we win” and finding compromises. Feel free to remind your child of this habit when sibling wars break out at home!

Habit # 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: This habit is all about listening, not just with your ears, but also with your eyes and your heart. We discussed  how there is a difference between HEARING what someone says, and really listening and understanding. We want to take the time to listen to others and think before we speak.

April 2017 PDF