Homework Log and Fridge Notes August 22nd + August Calendar

From now on, our weekly Homework Log and Fridge Notes newsletter will only be posted on our class blog. Our school is trying to “go green” as much as possible, particularly in terms of paper use. Most parent communication for our class will take place through the blog, which I update frequently. If you are having difficulty viewing the blog or would like paper copies sent home, please let me know and I will be more than happy to help you.

Homework Log August 22 PDF *Since the Homework Log is only half a sheet, feel free to print it and complete Monday’s spelling homework right on the empty half.*

Fridge Notes August 22 PDF

August 2016

All homework is due the following day, unless otherwise indicated on the Homework Log. I check homework each morning for completion by marking it with a stamp. Students then put their homework in the back pocket of the KOALA Book to take home as completed and checked work. If your child gets a stamp, that means he/she received full credit on the assignment. Each child is allowed one homework “oops” per marking period, which includes late and missing homework. Our weekly homework load is light, but beginning in September, a month-long project will also be assigned. We wanted to give students and families a few weeks to adjust to being back in the school routine.

You will find our first set of spelling words listed on the Homework Log above. Although formal spelling homework is only assigned on Monday nights, it is important to practice these words throughout the week to prepare your child for the spelling (and sentence dictation) quiz on Friday. Each Monday, your child will pick two activities from the attached list to complete using the current week’s spelling words. This list will also be in the “Homework” section of your child’s KOALA Book. Some of the activities require a parent note and signature since the student will not have any paper to turn in (these activities are indicated with a picture of a pencil). Since the Homework Log is only a half sheet of paper, all other activities can be completed right on the Homework Log, or on a separate piece of paper with the numbers and titles of the activities written at the top. This is very important so that I know if the activities were completed correctly. You do not have to do all 40 activities. If your child really enjoys a couple of the activities, he/she may repeat those activities week after week. The point of this extensive list is to provide students with opportunities to practice their spelling in ways that match their specific learning styles. If you have any questions, please let me know. Happy spelling! Spelling Homework Chart

Our math series has a review/practice page to go with each lesson. Although students will have a math worksheet MOST nights, it is often difficult to anticipate when we will finish a lesson and be ready for the review sheet. I would never want to send home a math worksheet before I was able to fully teach it in class- that is just setting students up for failure. If you see a review/practice math worksheet in your child’s KOALA Book, please complete it, but do not worry if we skip a night every once in a while. Homework should be meaningful, so I will only send math homework home when it directly connects to what we learned in class that day. Too much homework or homework for the sake of homework has actually been shown to have a negative effect on elementary-aged students, so we want to stay clear of that!

Since our lunch is not until 12:12, please send your child to school with a healthy morning snack. Please also send a water bottle for P.E. and recess. It is very hot and our security system does not allow for students to go in and out getting water from the water fountain. Thank you for your help!

If you haven’t already done so, please send in your 2 “friends and family” pictures as soon as possible to help us complete our “Friends and Family” wall.

I’m looking forward to beginning of our 2nd week of 2nd grade. Please feel free to contact with me if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Working together, we can make this a memorable and successful year for our students.