Homework Log and Fridge Notes December 14th

I want to give you a heads-up about an important date to put on your calendars. On Thursday, January 14th, 2nd grade will be going on a field trip to Sea World! We will leave the school around 9:30 and return around 1:30. The TENTATIVE cost is around $31 for students AND chaperones. You can use a Sea World pass to cover the cost of admission, but you will still to pay a TENTATIVE cost of around $5 to cover the cost of transportation. Each class can take up to 10 chaperones. If more than 10 parents are interested, then a lottery style drawing will determine our chaperones. If you are interested in chaperoning, you must have already completed an ADDitions volunteer application, as well as a chaperone form . Please email me if you are interested in chaperoning so I can begin collecting a list of names. I want you to know about the date and cost now so that you will be prepared when the permission slips come home on the Monday when we return from winter break. We will only have 7 days to collect all the money and permission slips, and I want to make sure every child can attend! 

Homework Log December 14 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: More Long-a Words -ai -ay (F)

Fridge Notes December 14

Congratulations to last week’s Principal’s Award winner, Sabina!

This week I will introduce another one of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids: Habit #4: Think win-win! This habit focuses on the idea of “I win, you win, we win” and finding compromises. Feel free to remind your child of this habit when sibling wars break out at home! 😉