Homework Log and Fridge Notes December 1st + December Calendar

Thank you for all the yummy donations for our Thanksgiving Friendship Trail Mix. The students enjoyed mixing all the ingredients together and creating their own delicious snack. As a class family, we have so much to be thankful for, especially such supportive and giving parents! I hope your Thanksgiving break is filled with food, family and friends!

Last week I will introduce another one of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids: Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind. This habit encourages kids to set goals for themselves and create a plan on how to achieve them. I told the kids that this can be applied to many areas in their lives, whether it is improving in soccer, saving money to buy something special, or reaching their AR goals.

Speaking of AR, this Friday, December 5th marks the halfway point of the 9 weeks, which means the students should be halfway towards their AR goals. Make sure you log-on to Renaissance Home Connect to see how your child is progressing towards his/her goal! https://hosted265.renlearn.com/63554/HomeConnect/

Homework Log December 1 PDF

There are no Challenge Spelling Words because we are reviewing previous spelling patterns in preparation for the Unit 2 Benchmark Test. Remember, there is no separate spelling quiz on weeks when we are taking benchmark tests. We WILL still have our normal spelling homework on Monday so the students get extra practice with the phonics patterns that will appear on the assessment. 

Fridge Notes December 1 PDF

December 2014 PDF