Homework Log and Fridge Notes February 10th

If you are looking for some iPad apps to practice telling time, make sure you check out this week’s Fridge Notes!

Homework Log February 10 PDF. ***Updated 2/10/14 3:18PM

Challenge Spelling Words Long-i Patterns (F)

Our “Juicy Word of the Week” is manage.

***The students have also been recording their own examples of “juicy words” as they come across them in their independent reading. They have found words like lurking, rotted, elegant, convincing and scamper. These are words that I’ve actually chosen as “Juicy Words of the Week” in past years, so I am so impressed that they are pulling these words out on their own! We are also working on writing down “golden lines.” These are phrases or sentences where the author really plays with language. These lines shine and are so beautiful or interesting that we want to shout them out for all the world to hear (we actually use a megaphone in class haha).  I encourage you to be on the lookout for “juicy words” and “golden lines” as you read with your child at home. It will spark some powerful discussions and really take your child’s reading to the next level!

Fridge Notes February 10 PDF