Homework Log and Fridge Notes February 5th + February Calendar

Keep getting those iReady minutes (45-6o minutes per subject, per week). The weeks run from Monday-Sunday. For the month of February, the school-wide iReady goal is 45 minutes per week in reading and 45 minutes per week in math. 

*Remember, once your child hits 60 minutes in a subject, please stop for the week.*

  1. Using Google Chrome, navigate to https://launchpad.classlink.com/ocps.
  1. Enter your username and password, and click “Sign In.”
  1. Click on the “iReady” icon. If necessary, retype the user name and password used above.
  2. Click on the “Reading” or “Math” icons and begin the lesson!


Our school survey is now available to parents online. It only takes a few minutes to complete and provides our school with valuable feedback. Be sure to print the survey completion screen from your computer when you are finished and send it to school with your child so he/she can receive a small prize.



This week is Spirit Week leading up to our Walk-a-thon on Friday!

Homework Log February 5 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Bossy R- or (F)

Fridge Notes February 5 PDF

February 2018 PDF