Homework Log and Fridge Notes May 23rd

A little while ago your child brought home a school supplies order form for next school year. This is the easiest way to make sure your child has everything he/she will need for 3rd grade. All orders will be done online and supply packs will be shipped directly to your house!

If your order early between May 23rd and June 10th, then you receive a 5% discount.

You can also order from June 11th- July 25th and pay the full price.

Here is the website: https://www.educationalproducts.com/ShopPacks/

Our School ID is Bay035. You will select the third grade supply pack, which is $61, and then check out using your credit card. Your supply pack will be delivered to your home in time for you to bring it with you to Meet the Teacher!

This Friday is our class’ Music Show and Tell when students can bring in instruments, pianos books, or their own music. Ms. Buckley is allowing iPods and iPads for electronic music, but HIGHLY recommends CDs instead since they have a lower replacement value if something were to happen.  If students plan to have the class listen to a song from the radio, that song needs to be pre-approved.  Instruments, singing a cappella (meaning no background music), books, and kids songs do not need to be approved.

Homework Log May 23 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Our current spelling words are longer words with the long-a and long-i sounds, which we have previously covered. I am reposting those challenge spelling words, but some of you may have already used them. More Long-a Words -ai -ay (F) Long-i Patterns (F)

Our “Juicy Word of the Week” is gather.

Fridge Notes May 23