This Friday, October 31st is the last day to register for the Koala Krawl. This event is part our one, big fundraiser this year: the Fall Festival! The PTA’s goal is to raise $25,000 to help fund a new computer lab for the school. A new computer lab will help us tremendously as we move to a more digital-based curriculum. Special incentives are being awarded to the classes that raise the most money:
1st Place: Class Pizza Party
2nd Place: Class Movie and Popcorn Party
3rd Place: Class Popsicle Party
I know our class is filled with generous families and this is your chance to “buy in” to something that your child will have the benefit of using for the next 3 years! Thank you in advance for your support!
Challenge Spelling Words Consonant Digraphs (wh, th, sh, tch) (F)