Homework Log and Fridge Notes October 2nd + October Calendar

Keep getting those iReady minutes (45 minutes per subject, per week). The weeks run from Monday-Sunday. For the month of October, the school-wide iReady goal is for students to complete 15 lessons with an overall pass rate of 80% in reading and in math. Dr. Bixler will be distribute the awards on November 6th!

  1. Using Google Chrome, navigate to https://launchpad.classlink.com/ocps.
  1. Enter your username and password, and click “Sign In.”
  1. Click on the “iReady” icon. If necessary, retype the user name and password used above.
  1. Click on the “Reading” or “Math” icons and begin the lesson!

Homework Log October 2 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Words that End with nd, ng, nk (F)

Fridge Notes October 2nd PDF *The dates for Hearing Screenings and Walk to School Day were corrected the night of Sunday, October 1st*.

October Calendar PDF

Here is an example of 3 different strategies for solving a 2-digit addition or subtraction problem (open number line, tens frames, bar model):

This week in math we are working on addition and subtraction problems. We will be using the CUBES strategy to help us dissect the word problems and find important information. Here is a bookmark of the steps that you can print and use at home. CUBES Word Problems Strategy Bookmark

2-digit addition and subtraction is easier when students are fluent in their basic math facts. You can find cheap sets of addition and subtraction flashcards at the Dollar Store to help your child practice math facts at home. The goal is for students to leave 2nd grade with all of their addition and subtraction facts to 20 completely memorized (response rate of less than one second) so they are ready for multiplication in 3rd grade. You have logon information for a website/app called Xtra Math to practice at home, but here are a couple of other virtual flashcard websites you can use:



http://www.math-aids.com/Flash_Cards/Addition.html (This one has a bunch of pop-ups, but it allows you to print your own flashcards)