Homework Log and Fridge Notes October 6th

We had a fantastic Friday filled with special treats! Thank you to Ms. Burgos, Ms. Beerensson, and Ms. Pritchard for helping with our first STEM Lab of the year! The kids designed houses for the 3 Little Pigs that could withstand different types of severe weather. We also have to thank Ms. Ansari for coming in for a special presentation about Eid. We loved learning about a different culture and enjoyed the beautiful cookies she had made especially for us!

This Monday, October 6th, our schedule is changing to accommodate a 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade field trip. We will have Specials from 10:00-10:40 and lunch from 11:58-12:23. 

This week we will begin our math unit on addition and subtraction strategies. You can find cheap sets of addition and subtraction flashcards at the Dollar Store to help your child practice math facts at home. The goal is for students to leave 2nd grade with all of their addition and subtraction facts to 20 completely memorized (response rate of less than one second) so they are ready for multiplication in 3rd grade. We are using Xtra Math at school to practice our facts, but here are a couple of other virtual flashcard websites you can use to practice at home:



http://www.math-aids.com/Flash_Cards/Addition.html (This one has a bunch of pop-ups, but it allows you to print your own flashcards)


Homework Log October 6 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Words that End with nd, ng, nk (F)

Fridge Notes October 6th PDF