Homework Log and Fridge Notes September 7th

Beginning Tuesday, September 8th, our schedule will be changing quite a bit. We will be eating lunch a little earlier, except on Wednesdays (see below). 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 12:31-12:56

Wednesday: 12:47-1:12

Daily Schedule Poster Updated PDF

The long weekend is the perfect time to catch-up on some reading! Please make sure your child is reading for at least 20 minutes per night and recording it in the Reading Log section of the KOALA Book. They earn little rewards from the front office each time they complete a reading log (20 nights of reading).

Spelling homework has been moved to Tuesday this week because of the 3-day weekend. We will still have our spelling quiz on Friday. Remember, you can find the spelling words on the Homework Log, which is always posted by Friday afternoon on our class blog. Spelling homework involves picking 2 activities from the “40 Fun Ways to Practice
Spelling” chart. Please include the numbers and names of the activities that you choose. If you are writing a note about an activity your child did but cannot bring to school, please attach it to the other activity. It can be difficult for me to keep track when the activities are in different places, and I want to make sure I give everyone full credit. Also, I encourage students to practice spelling all week long, but spelling homework from the chart is only assigned on Mondays (Tuesday this week). You do not have to turn in spelling activities each night.

Additional Math Information: This week in math we will work on place value concepts. We will begin by reviewing some place value vocabulary, such as digits, hundreds, tens and ones. Then we will learn a variety of ways to name a number:
Standard Form: 427
Expanded Form: 400 + 20 +7
Word Form: four hundred twenty-seven
The trickiest of these is expanded form, but it is also the most critical for developing a strong foundation in number sense. Expanded form focuses on the VALUE of each digit, which will come into play when we move onto more difficult math concepts later on in the year, such as regrouping.

Congratulations to last week’s Principal’s Award winner, Ava!

Homework Log Sept 7 PDF

Fridge Notes September 7 PDF