Sandcastle Book Report

If you are looking for this week’s Homework Log and Fridge Notes, scroll to the post below.

This week we are beginning our monthly book reports/projects. September’s book report involves making a paper sandcastle about a nonfiction/informational book. This means your child needs to read a book with FACTS and INFORMATION on a TOPIC of their choice (penguins, fire trucks, Saturn, Lebron James, etc.). You will NOT be able to complete this book report with a fiction book (books with characters, setting, beginning, middle, end). Please make sure you child also selects a book on his/her AR reading dot color level. 

This project is due Friday, September 30th, so you have all month to work on it! 

Your child was given the sandcastle, as well as the directions and the 3-2-1 rectangles to write on. You will need to create your own flag for the top using any paper you have and a toothpick/straw.

I’m attaching an electronic copy of the 3-2-1 rectangles, as well as a sample project so you can see the format. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sandcastle Craft 2

Photo Sep 06, 4 39 15 PM