Friday the 13th, what a day to be in school at 7 AM. Oh, and let us not forget that the day after that is Valentine’s Day: the day where people in relationships make an obnoxious attempt to show it off, and where the singles sit “forever alone” in a corner.  However that’s on Saturday, and it doesn’t make any sense to show off your love to someone if they can’t show it off at school.

Everywhere you go there are roses, big red and pink balloons, students making out in the hallway, chocolates and the occasional Godzilla-sized teddy bear. High school romance is just so heartfelt. As usual, girls are dressed to the nines for boys who will pay no notice.

While yes, I could agree Valentine’s Day sucks because it makes students who are single and aren’t carrying ridiculous presents feel inferior to students who are.

I on the other hand couldn’t give a flipping, flying cupid about the holiday (the pun was super intended). Whether one is single or in a relationship, there are always the pros and cons.

Sure, when you’re single it sucks not having that special someone to go on a date with. Let’s be honest, you’re going to be shooting stares of jealousy to all the lovebirds that pass you by. At least you aren’t stressing about whether your loved one likes pink or red, or busting your chops to get dinner reservations.

However, being in a relationship is like signing a contract that condemns one into bringing their partner the ultimate romantic surprise, and for what? To impress other colleagues? Because I’m pretty sure no one needs a toy sewn from a textile that is stuffed with a soft material. No one. It’s still cute though.

Valentine’s is only fun if you choose make it fun. Not having an internal melodrama because some boy didn’t ask you out. You’re a pretty girl (or a pretty boy) , put on your makeup , and get your friends some candy, your friends actually deserve it.


By Emily Torres

Hey ! I'm Emily . Or Em . Or whatever you'd prefer to call me . I'm just another writer in the TC Tribune and the blogger for "The Girls Bathroom".