With the current school year nearing its end, there’s a new one to begin. With that comes the pressure of  compiling your new schedule. There are so many classes to choose from- regular , AP , Honors , Dual Enrollment , and all various electives in between. While, sure, there are a ton of cool electives, you still have to take into account your academic plans for the future.

All students vary. However if you’re the ambitious type, then you understand the struggle I am experiencing. Between my two parental units, I feel they had totally different views and opinions as to what is really the better choice for my future.Their opinions are ones that every student can recall from their own guardians. Let me label them as Parent A and Parent B.

Parent A (the reason for my ambition), thinks that one should academically go all the way, to the point that they considered requesting an “AP Physical Education class”. Parent A says that one should work as hard as they can in high school, so they can take a break in the future. Plus, they stated the following ,“Get off your lazy butt and do something worth your time.” They believe that even though the workload is going to be crazy, it will eventually pay off.

Parent B lies on the other end of the spectrum. This is the parent that considers the enjoyment of the small time you have left in high school. Work hard, but don’t overdo it , because it could cause your GPA to go down the drain. Parent B also considered any other outside priorities that one would need time for.

As you can see, both parents have totally valid opinions.With that in mind, here’s my opinion: do what you want and what you handle, just know there’s a consequence for everything. In the end , you are the one that’s (hopefully) going to live a successful taking whatever path you choose.

By Emily Torres

Hey ! I'm Emily . Or Em . Or whatever you'd prefer to call me . I'm just another writer in the TC Tribune and the blogger for "The Girls Bathroom".