Surely, many have heard the phrase,“this is a hit” regarding to a song or movie. Sometimes, the song or movie is actually a so-called “hit”. What exactly makes something go from nothing to the top of the charts? Also, how come so many terrible forms of media become so popular?

Here is an example: the classic movie ”Titanic,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Also known two hours of wasted time. The entire plot is based off of the well-known event in history. Where the RMS Titanic plunged miles deep into the ocean after crashing into an iceberg in the sea. However the crash comes between these two lovers when Jack Johnson, dies falling fathoms deep with the ship (of course they make the attractive guy sink).

Even while knowing of the many deaths of the infamous incident, people are surprised with the films’ outcome. Viewers were shaken to the point that the film earned a multitude of awards for “Best Movie.” Perhaps the romance gave Titanic such praise, but there are countless other romance flicks on the market.

There are also movies that honestly make no sense whatsoever. E.T. or “Where The Wild Things Are,” have won many awards as well. Yet, they have the most ridiculous plots with alien and monster characters, that in reality, aren’t that lovable.

Also, ever heard of the movie “Waterworld?” Produced by Charles Gordon in 1995, the movie cost $172 million, but was a total flop from day one. So even if  more money is put into a project, it still isn’t going to be the greatest.

Then there are artists such as Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez and Robin Thicke, (no shade) are awful singers. Sure they are talented for other things, but are praised for their contributions to music- and have made multiple hit songs.

With all that in mind, what does it take to make something a hit ? If it isn’t money, talent, or a romantic plot then what is it ? The answer is the fangirls. A fangirl is defined as an obsessive female fan according to Google. These females have ruled the media world for a long time. Why do you think One Direction is so popular ? If it weren’t for the fangirls spending time and money on their obsessions, Titanic would’ve never been a hit either.

By Emily Torres

Hey ! I'm Emily . Or Em . Or whatever you'd prefer to call me . I'm just another writer in the TC Tribune and the blogger for "The Girls Bathroom".