Friday Apr.3 marked a losing game for the Wolves’ Varsity baseball team and the University Cougars; a loss that shattered the teams continuation of a seven game winning streak. This made the chances of tying first place with three other teams in the district more difficult to foretell.’

The Wolves were confident and came in hot during the games’ first inning , with nothing but two strikeouts and an impressively clean ground ball to third base.

At the top of the second inning Cougars began to take the upper hand , hitting a homerun  .However, after a double scored by second baseman Cameron Meehan, the game was tied 1-1.

During the next inning, outfielder Isaiah Arana made a double as well- a play that was meant to put the wolves back into business. University’s team eventually rose, scoring twice more, later making the final score 3-1.

Coach Beaman spoke in regards to base running errors during the game, saying,” that’s just baseball, there [are] not a lot of things you could do differently in that situation.”

Catcher, Cameron Zook claimed the Cougars, ”played up”; “We couldn’t play the game we usually play.”

However, the game did not intervene the Wolves’ chances of making it to first place in the district.”I think they’ll rebound like they have after a couple losses earlier in the season, and they’ll be fine. They played good, University played good; they just got two more runs than us.” Beaman said.

By Emily Torres

Hey ! I'm Emily . Or Em . Or whatever you'd prefer to call me . I'm just another writer in the TC Tribune and the blogger for "The Girls Bathroom".