English teacher Mrs.Marcinko is pictured with a pair of her christmas socks that she wears every day of december.

It’s that time of year again, holiday season. Season where everyone wears ugly sweaters and gets in a good spirit. This year there was a big initiative to get the Timber Creek students and faculty in the spirit of the holidays. Nation Honor Society decided to help the faculty and staff by offering to decorate their doors in the spirit of the holidays.

After talking to the president of NHS, senior Emma Goldberg said, “There’s actually a committee called holiday cheer, they believe it’s fun to get everyone including the teachers and students in the spirit.” The committee leader, senior Leah Abounder told me, “All the rooms and halls look so bland over the holidays so we decided to make everyone feel more homey than dull during the holidays.”

Senior Leah Abounder pictured above is the committee leader of “holiday cheer,” showing off two doors located in the guidance office.

Along with NHS the teachers also have their own initiative to have holiday spirit. Teachers such as Ms.Torres and Mrs.Marcinko are really in spirit. Ms.torres decorated her whole entire room with lights, reefs, and colorful decorations. Mrs.Marcinko wears a new pair of Christmas socks everyday in December and never wears the same socks again. Both teachers say getting their students in spirit is good for them because it helps relieve the stress of all the work and tests and gets them excited for the holidays with their families.

English teacher Mrs.Marcinko is pictured with a pair of her christmas socks that she wears every day of december.

Since both teachers and the NHS club say they like to do it for the students also i went and talked to a couple students around Timber Creek. “Seeing my teachers decorate their room and seeing them getting into spirit really puts me into the spirit even more than i already am. The decorations excite me to the point where I’m inpatient for Christmas to come,” says Sophomore Emilly Dasilva. Clearly by decorating the school doors, rooms, and just getting in spirit impacts everyone by getting them ready for the coming holidays.