Florida Representative Anna Eskamani presents a speech at GirlUp's Freshmen brunch, hosted at Timber Creek during the late summer.

Women around the world face many hardships for many different reasons. Culture and legalities can prevent women from living decent lives and being their own person, and financial struggles can prevent them from obtaining certain hygiene products that are essential to women. However, GirlUp’s efforts help to remedy these issues and prevent them from further escalating throughout many nations in the world, not just the United States.

GirlUp is a nation-wide feminist organization known for their donations to financially unstable women, education on women’s struggles across the globe, and volunteer work such as assisting in the Ronald McDonald House charities. They frequently hold drives for women’s hygiene products that financially struggling or homeless women would not be able to afford on their own, and donate to girls in poorer countries to allow them to obtain instruments crucial to their health and education.

The organization accepts all members, and heavily encourages boys to join as well as girls, because while it is a feminist club aiming to help women around the world, the information shared and services provided by GirlUp is not gender-exclusive and any help, whether it be physical or financial, is accepted and greatly appreciated when it comes to issues like the ones the club fights against. Senior Morgan Lewis, the Vice President of GirlUp, is extremely passionate about the club’s efforts. “GirlUp is a community in which girls support and empower each other through shared experiences… It’s a common desire for female equality that brings us together as a club,” she explained.

The leaders of the club and their sponsor, Mrs. Kee, are all very passionate and sincere about their efforts, working to make the club as efficient and inviting as possible; they host several events throughout the year, most notably their Freshman Brunch during the summer, and even have a focus on motivating members to submit any ideas for events, get-togethers, or activities that they may come up with at any time throughout the school year. Many meetings focus on allowing the members of the club to get more familiar with each other, the club leaders, and the club itself. “GirlUp inspired positive change, and it’s honestly just a fun way to connect with other girls and create genuine friendships,” said Lewis.

Florida Representative Anna Eskamani presents a speech at GirlUp’s Freshman brunch, hosted at Timber Creek during the late summer.