Take a look behind the curtain to see how Timber Creek’s theater productions come to life.

By Isabella Boni

With the 2024-2025 class course selection coming up Tech Theater is looking for new technicians for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year and if you are interested in building, makeup design, painting, costume design and more this is an elective for you to consider.

The Tech Theater Program is broken up into 4 classes: One Tech Theater 1 class and three advanced classes. The first tech theater class is the first class you need to advance onto the other advanced tech classes. “There is an application that they have to fill out, as well as some GPA/discipline/attendance requirements. In tech theater 1 we learn the basics of technical theater, which includes scenic, costume, lighting, sound, publicity design. We also learn the basics in scenic construction and painting,” said Theatre director, Justin Horn.

Students who decide to continue with tech theater will need to complete a special project to be considered for an advanced tech theater class. Advanced tech theater has a lot more to offer in terms of what you work on and do. “I like that advanced tech theater is different because you are more involved in the production rather than in tech 1 where you only learn the basics,” said sophomore Isabella Cianciotto. Advanced Tech theater also gets broken up into different crews which will determine what you work on for that production. “When working in the shows I like to learn new skills in whatever crew I’m in. The environment is very friendly and everyone is very forgiving when you are new at something,” said Cianciotto. The crews consist of: Costumes, Sound, Hair, Makeup, Lighting, House Crew, Publicity, & Scenic Design.

The Theater program usually has three productions: 1 play, and 2 musicals. Students in Tech will work on the productions for roughly about a month. Once a week everyone who is involved with the production will come together to share the progress they made and any new ideas they had, and receive feedback from their peers “I like to hear what other’s ideas are and how I could build on my own ideas,” Said Cianciotto. Some crews will even work together on productions to collaborate like Hair and Makeup, Or Lighting and Sound.

Painting the Day Away. Sophomore Raquel Smith is painting flats to be used In the upcoming 
theater production Goosebumps the Musical. “I like working in groups and being able to see the creativity,” said Smith. Photo by Isabella Boni

Painting the Day Away. Sophomore Raquel Smith is painting flats to be used In the upcoming
theater production Goosebumps the Musical. “I like working in groups and being able to see
the creativity,” said Smith. Photo by Isabella Boni.