By: Avery Holgersen

College application season is starting. Seniors are starting their journey through college life by applying for the major universities in the world. There are many different paths that students can take for careers but also life. Different perspectives students will look for in colleges such as small, big, introverts, extroverts, city, urban, are just to name a few of qualities.

Timber Creek is lucky enough to have college representatives come and talk about the school and how the application process works. Many different kinds of schools have come from all over the country to talk to the students at TC. Many schools use the college application process called “Common App.” This is a website that is designed for easy access to all applications for all the different colleges that a student applies for. Once a student puts their information in, all of it will upload once they use it for one of the many applications. There are many other ways that a student can apply for a college. At Timber Creek high school there is an area on campus called the College and Career Center (CCC). This is where students go and collect brochures from college visits that they missed, get help for the application process, and help get on the right track to graduate. “The hardest thing for me during the application process was finding ways to fully exemplify myself with the little word count. It was very difficult to fully show who I am as a person and why I stand out without being able to describe everything, ” said senior Valentina Lopez.

The experience of college life is something that high school seniors need to experience. College may seem very stressful but there is a fun side to it that everyone needs to experience. Football games are a huge part of college especially in the south. As a junior, students should embark on traveling to different colleges and see how the atmosphere of different colleges feel. There have been some that are the complete opposite of what a student thought according to the pictures and some that are higher than the expectations. There are many qualities that go into colleges that can determine where a student feels the most comfortable but also can afford. College is expensive nowadays but there are many scholarships out there that can help and provide for a student that needs the financial aid. “I toured UCF and I really like the layout of the college, with everything being in a circular layout it made everything centrally located and also it was a nice campus,” said junior Tyler Williams.

The college life and process is a rollercoaster, some students enjoy it some don’t. It’s all up to the student but many people will say never wait until the last minute to start applications because they can pile up and cause stress. Remember it’s all a part of the experience, never think less of one’s capabilities because anything is possible. Good Luck seniors and best wishes in college!

Since junior year, Valentina Lopez (left) has been touring colleges across the United States. From in-state to out of state she would love to stay close to home but far away enough to live her new life as a college student. Photo donated.