Debate PictureThe following members of the Timber Creek Speech and Debate Team placed at the first tournament of the year September 7 at Legacy High School.

**Champion-Dramatic Interpretation–Sunny Toreihi

**Champion-Original Oratory–Taylor Harris

**Champion-Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate–Kelsie Ehalt

**Champion- Declamation–Sarah Lane (Novice)

And while the following students did not win a championship, all were undefeated and missed the championship by only a few speaker points. They all had a 4 Win/ 0 Loss record.

**2nd place–Varsity Public Forum Debate-Erica Jimenez and Matt Laird

**3rd place—Varsity Public Forum Debate-Jonathan Bauman and Xavier Ortega

**3rd Place—Novice Public Forum Debate-Leyla Remh and Selena Zhao

**3rd place–Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate-Ishmael Perez