frenchOn Friday Feb. 20 exchange students visited from Paris, France. By coordinating with Valencia College, students were able to visit Orlando through their international exchange program. According to French language teacher Dr. Derenoncourt, this opportunity “provided a cultural bridge” for students. The visit allowed exchange students to experience an American educational perspective.

Approximately 30 students participated in the exchange program.  All of them stayed with a local host family. “We try to place everybody in the vicinity,” stated Derenoncourt. Students resided in Orlando for two weeks, and one of the scheduled events was to attend an American school for one day. The French exchange students were paired with American French language students as well as students interested in French culture, for the school day.

The following Tuesday American students were able to attend an after school social event, where the French exchange students were able to interact with the American host families and students. “It’s beautiful…This [American Culture] is a different culture from France,” stated French exchange student Nathan Fonty. The French students conducted more events around the city for instance, go to a universal Studios.

The French exchange student’s visit allowed local students to learn a different culture. The experience provided French exchange students a typical American school day.