Former student speaks about reckless driving.
Former student speaks about reckless driving.
Teenagers constantly hear warnings about the dangers of reckless driving, especially in regards to drinking and driving. More often than not, teens merely disregard this message until someone closer to their own age has suffered the consequences, and shares their story.
Juniors and seniors sat in the performing arts center during the Safe Driving assembly on Jan. 31 during first through third period, as a video displaying the average social problems teenagers face played across screens set up on stage. All scenarios ended with the worst possible consequences of reckless decisions.
Produced by Tom Guy of The Media Guy Inc., the presentation is part of Guy’s mission to help young people be more aware of the problems they face and to handle them. Guy shows his videos, which combine images, movie clips, discussions with celebrities, news, and popular music to address the core challenges facing the youth of today, across the U.S. to school aged students and youth groups.
“I try to reach the emotional level of what kids are doing right now,” said Guy.
The assembly concluded with a testimony about the dangers of reckless driving from former Timber Creek student Pranjal Dahiya, who has become a member of Guy’s organization. In 2012 Dahiya was severely injured in a car accident.
“When [adults] go up there and talk, no one really listens to them because [students are] like, oh it’s a teacher,” said Dahiya. “I can just relate to people because they’re two years younger.”
Afterwards, students were given the opportunity to ask Dahiya any questions they may have had about his experience.
“It was really eye-opening and it makes you think about all the decisions you’re making,” said junior Megan Peterson.
“I just want people to know that it can happen to them,” said Dahiya.