Social media is ruining our lives, from Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tumblr. People are posting pictures and videos every day. The comment section is where people express their opinion some are good and some are rude. Social media ruins friendships, lives and relationships and sometimes can cause depression.  

Social media has changed this generation in many ways. Talking to the opposite sex is “ easier” for most people.Some people’s confidence has gone up and unfortunately some has gone down. Social media has people feeling like they aren’t pretty or handsome enough. Others feel like they are too fat or too skinny. From posts on Instagram to Twitter, girls are posting pictures with their makeup and skinny bodies. A lot of the girls and guys feel like they are “too ugly” for social media, this leads to makeup and plastic surgery.

Social media has many pros and cons. Pros are you can keep in touch with friends and family, also most people try making a statement or impact, you can meet new people and some jobs will look at your social media to see if you are right for the job.

Unfortunately, some people are stalked and kidnapped by the predators on social media. Nearly 800,000 kids are reported missing a year. More than 2,000 kids are reported missing a day, just do to finding these teens on social media.

Due to cyber bullying teens are faced with gossip, rumors. Most teens realize that these are lies and commit suicide thinking that there is no other way. Over 4,500 teens commit suicide a year. Teens post comments, pictures about other teens and classmates. Due to these posts, students don’t report them mainly because they don’t want it to happen to them.

Students tend to fail classes more often when they have social media. Over 25% of students have failed one class because Snapchat and Twitter. These social media websites are “ addicting” to own. Once you make an account you are open to random people adding and following you. Make sure your account is private.