By Arielle Shaw

Everyone has a favorite food, book and color. But what about your favorite school year event. There are many different types of events and activities that go on during the school year. They are used to keep school interesting and entertaining. Examples of activities are: pep rallies, prom, homecoming, fundraisers.

Senior Sophia Vichot, says spirit week is one of her favorite school events at Timber Creek. Vichot states, “I really enjoy spirit week because it’s fun dressing up and planning costumes with your friends, giving you a break from all the stress of school and something to look forward to. It also creates fun memories.” Another senior, Kayla Henry agrees by stating, “spirit week is a great way to show appreciation for your school in a fun way.”

There are way more events than just spirit week. Others believe that sports games are a great activity that happens during the school year. Senior Kyndall Mosby says she enjoys football and basketball games. Mosby states “In the stands it’s so fun with all the crowds of people. and they play music and while we cheer on our team, it’s honestly just a really fun time with friends.” She enjoys the energy and the atmosphere that everyone brings to the games.

Activities during the school year are also a great way to communicate with other students. It’s a great way students get involved with school and other activities. There are several activities to partake in.

The Memories. On April 1st, Seniors, Sophia Vichot and Kyndall Mosby, talk and laugh about their favorite school activities. They think yearly activities allow students to interact with each other and a great way to make memories. “The memories that we made at school I will remember forever,” Mosby says. Photo by Arielle Shaw