United as one. Wrestling team all together after their parent night on Wednesday.

With 5 girls trying out for wrestling, the season will be tough with hardcore workouts and intense competitions. Even though the season doesn’t start until Dec. 15, these girls are getting a head start on the practice from 2:45-4:00.

There 5 very diverse meet against Boone, University, Winter Park, Colonial and East river. “With these meets I know that we can win them all. I am very confident in my girls,” said Coach Kretzer. With her two star seniors, Karina Santiago and Samantha Ponce, who have been on the team for 3 years, she has confidence in them.

There will also be a parent night on Wednesday Nov. 15 which will include the boy and girl wrestlers will both have a match. There will be an actual referee and winner from both sides will get a prize. In parent night, the parent and students will be getting information about what wrestling how to prevent injuries and much more. Junior Natalie Santos said, “I’m so excited to start this season and I really think that everything is coming together this year. Last year we weren’t as prepared as we are this year but nothing is going to bring us down this year.”

Women’s wrestling is one of the fastest growing sports at the scholastic and collegiate levels. That’s why Mrs. Kretzer encourages you to join the girl wrestling team, no experience necessary. You just need a valid up to date physical on file with the athletic trainer, your gear and your enthusiasm to join the team. “My goal this year is to have enough girl to take to the state tournament because that’s where we are heading,” said coach Kretzer.

United as one.
The girls’ wrestling team all together after their parent night on Wednesday.