In 1991 a new animated film was released called Beauty and the Beast. Today the name is known all over the world, the story loved by millions. Then this year on March 16th a live action version of the popular movie came out. Directed by Bill Condon, staring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the beast, the classic quickly skyrocketed to the number one movie in the world.

Alike the plot of the original, a young woman named Belle is taken captive by a frightening beast. As Belle stays at the Beast’s castle she begins to understand him and they develop a friendship. Bonded by a shared love for books Belle is able to look beyond his fierce exterior, eventually falling in love with who he is on the inside. As the story goes on it becomes more clear that Belle is the one who can break the Beast’s curse and return him to his human form. For the curse to be broken he must learn to love and that love also has to be returned. Their story proves that through it all love can prevail.

The “tale as old as time” has also received mass praise by reviewers. The New York Times called it “graceful” and that it represented “pure joy.” Beauty and the Beast’s was also adapted to more modern times with the addition of a gay character. The character Lefou represented the LBGTQ+ community and was played by Josh Gad. The role of Lefou marks a ground breaking moment in film history as he is Disney’s first gay character. Gad plays the friend or sidekick of Luke Evan’s character Gaston who wants to marry Belle but in the end becomes the movie’s antagonist.

Beauty and the Beast is a delightful story that has touched the hearts of people worldwide, make sure to check it out in a cinema near you.