With the pandemic affecting our society, it has all managed to change the very thing people enjoy: entertainment.

By Maximillian Slowakiewicz

As many know already, the pandemic is not a pleasant experience to the simplest of the simplest. Many sit in their homes desperately trying to do something to make it more worthwhile or exciting, so they don’t drive themselves insane. The main contributor to relive many from their mental health declining is the production and intrigue of entertainment. However, many have noticed a gradual shift of buying, seeing, or playing different kinds of entertainment from what was traditionally common before the pandemic even occurred.

A common example would be how the movie industry has changed its overall production and releases of projects they want to work on. Since the pandemic is still at its gradual rise, many movie companies that enlist in commercial industries have had to make serious changes such as changing deadlines, cutting production, and even pushing the release date to later dates. Movies such as “No Time To Die, Black Widow, and A Quiet Place II,” have seen push backs from its original releases due to good prevention of the covid virus spreading on set and taking every precaution necessary. Although many understand the issue at hand, many would still love to see these films at their promised release dates at Cinema. However, there is another issue at hand; Cinemas.

When Movies typically finish their production, they will commercially release their product throughout Cinemas, so they can gain profit from tickets and other merchandise, while the viewers, reviewers, etc can have a splendid time experiencing a movie they have been waiting upon. Though, due to Covid, many Cinemas have been shut down to prevent the spread of the virus throughout the ros of people in a theater room. Many have not taken this likely. A statement made by Junior Gabriel Moreira states, “I do understand the circumstances we are in, but I just want to do it in person you know,” said Moreira. “The Cinema is a potential risk, but so many funny yet meaningful memories happen there.” Though many have to wait for Cinemas to reopen, that doesn’t mean they have to be bored. Many industries such as Disney +, Netflix, and Hulu, can release new content for many to watch, while they are sitting in their bed at home. Though Movies are not the only industry that has fallen short, while being more accessible. The Video Games industry has its own story to show.

For many, Video Games is the entertainment many to choose to endow their precious hours into. They could have better stuff to do with their time, but the atmosphere, story, gameplay, and many other factors bring many into the light of the gaming network. However, there are cracks in the road. The Gaming industry has seen many problems when both conveying their message and releasing out their product. A good example would be “Cyberpunk 2077” by Project CD Red. From their critically acclaimed “The Witcher III” many were very excited for the release of the game. Though it would turn sour, due to its glitchy, unimproved, and drought out game based on high stakes and lazy corporation decisions. From Junior Kai Downes he states, “What CyberPunk did was really bad. Like to put into perspective they had all this time to work on the game,” says Downes. “But they went the other route and chose to not only delay the game, but be greedy and change everybodys view on what the gaming industry is.” From what can be seen is that the gaming industry is going downhill, right?! Well it’s mixed. On the one hand, there are gaming companies that do put everything into their game such as Santa Monica Studios, Nintendo, and Sucker Punch and turn out to be well appraised for their tireless work. Though on the other hand, companies such as Bethesda, EA, and Blizzard lean on the greed of easy money and fame for their own benefit; not the player.

Overall, the pandemic has affected the entertainment industry in a mixed status. Many can truly push themselves through the troubles of the whole crisis with different troubles, but devote themselves to put out one of their best works. Though, many can build upon their fame, take the easy way, make lackluster content, grab the money, and get out as fast as they can. Only time will tell now if the scale of entertainment will soon drive positively or negatively.

ROOMY TIMES. Watching movies now at home, Junior Kai Downes sits in his room witnessing new releases of entertainment, while waiting for both the pandemic to end and Cinemas to reopen. This picture was taken around a few hours ago when Downes witnessed a new movie released on Hulu. From that time, Downes also watches shows and other forms of entertainment to keep him entertained. “I do like the comfort of watching shows and movies at home,” said Downes. “But hopefully some Cinemas reopen soon.” Photo donated