

I believe there is a point in everyone’s life where Christmas isn’t the biggest deal anymore. This year is mine. I mean, getting stuff is awesome. However, the anticipation of a morbidly obese, jolly man coming down the chimney isn’t present anymore.

Can we just take a minute to speak about the concept of Christmas? The many families who do celebrate it are feeding their children into believing that a Santa Claus, this magic man, will come into your house and leave you presents based on whether you’re “naughty” or “nice”. Just let it sink in. Why is this strange man getting all the credit for the spending of your parents’ hard earned cash? Yes, it is just a myth meant for children, but why does SANTA have to be at the center of attention?

Also, why is it that Santa Claus is the revered character of Christmas. CHRISTmas. Not “SANTA-mas”. According to Wikipedia ( a valued and trusted source amongst all high school teachers), Christmas is just short for “Christ’s Mass”, and is meant to commemorate the birthday of Jesus Christ (the central figure in Christianity).


My point is, why do we call it Christmas if many of us who celebrate the holiday, aren’t doing it for a religious cause. It might as well be called “Gift Day” or “ Presents for People Who Probably Don’t Deserve it Day”. Y’know? Just something we can all celebrate together.


Oh, and don’t not get me started on Christmas movies . Two words: tacky and over-played. The Polar Express, Elf, and Home Alone are amongst the thousands of Christmas movies that make me cringe just by typing their titles. I just don’t understand why it is such a tradition to watch the same movie every year.


I’m not even done yet . What annoys me most of all about Christmas is the music. Christmas carols especially get to me. Nothing screams “mundane” more than the voices of children screaming, “ HARK ARE THE BELLS THE BELLS THE BELLS” in unison. Or the gloomy “Silent Night”, which gives me the goose bumps every time (and not the good kind). And do we even have to discuss “Santa Baby”? Ew.


All in all whether you are celebrating Christmas or Gift Day, or whatever holiday is celebrated during this time of year, make it a good one. Because it isn’t everyday that you have to deal with your crazy family, right?

(P.S. Here’s to hoping you don’t get socks as a gift.)

By Emily Torres

Hey ! I'm Emily . Or Em . Or whatever you'd prefer to call me . I'm just another writer in the TC Tribune and the blogger for "The Girls Bathroom".