Students in the Parade giving out candy
Students in the Parade giving out candy


Along with spirit week marched in the Homecoming Parade on Wednesday Oct. 8 featuring homecoming courts and clubs that showed off their artsy side by bounding their ‘Alice in Wonderland’ themed floats from Stone Lakes Elementary to Avalon Elementary. This parade celebrated the beginning of the 2014/2015 school year.

All participating floats were judged and awarded by TC staff Beth Delauter, Chad Patten, Cheri Holmes, and Monika Gorg. FFA (Future Farmers of America) was presented first place, German Club second, and third was awarded to Psychology Club.

The hard work needed for the success of the parade could not be mentioned without the SGA (Student Government Association). The planning for the event started from a summer retreat that took place in July and a required safety meeting took place on Sept. 24. Student leads, sophomore Brooke Kokowicz and senior Justin Little, were responsible for the event’s planning and they organized the entire event from hiring the cleanup crew to renting cars for the court committee. “The other SGA member and I worked very well together and everything went according to plan,” said Kokowicz.

SGA Advisor, Justin Martineau, led the required club safety meetings and filled out a load of paperwork to make the parade possible. Martineau believed that the parade went “Amazingly well! We hope for future parades not just more participants but more floats. To really get into the spirit of what a parade is–the more the floats the cooler the parade.” Besides the improvements planned for next year’s parade, Martineau believed that the parade turned out to be an ace in the deck of cards. Mind the puns.


By Rabeea Rehman

Write without fear, edit without mercy.