Asia Ervin at Cross Country, placing 7th. Ervin is looking forward to a great track season.

Women’s Track

by Yaharia Torres

Track is more than just running around a circle. Girls track is not something that is taken as a littley in Timber Creek High school. The coach, Julie Anne Halsey, is a math teacher, pre- calculus. She also is the supervisor or teacher representative for the College and Career Center. Mrs. Halsey wants to go back to school for leadership, but she enjoys being in the classroom so much,  she doesn’t know if she would like to stop that to do leadership.

Being a team is not easy, coach Mrs. Halsey, herself has gotten through some hard times being a coach. Mrs. Halsey says, “sometimes when players are sick or injured in some way that has stopped them from playing, it’s hard to continue. But there was never is a time that I have been disappointed in my team, because I know that they at least tried their best”.

Being a runner isn’t something that you just stop after one year. For example, junior Asia Ervin had been doing it since her freshman year. Ervin was forced into it by her parents. Her parents said that she has the talent and the skill to do it, so she went for it. Later, after Ervin had joined the team, she said,“It kinda grew on me. At first, I hated it but then the friends that I made were something special to me and that kept me going. After time I became good at it so I continued.”

Doing any sport can help your future and can create a career plan. With track Ervin said, “Doing track is helping me get a scholarship at UCF.” Ervin would like to continue in track after Timber Creek High School.

Asia Ervin at Cross Country, placing 7th. Ervin is looking forward to a great track season.
Asia Ervin at a Cross Country meet, placing 7th. Ervin is looking forward to a great track season.